Our Work
Roma Influencers Network

Roma Influencers Network – Our Objective

The project “Roma Influencers Breaking the Circle of Early Marriages and Early Motherhood in Roma Communities” under the title acronym “Roma Influencers Network” derives from the gravity of the extremely harmful practice of early marriages and early motherhood in Roma communities. It is focused on empowering, supporting, protecting and raising awareness of the Roma community, especially women and girls affected by the specific concern, by suggesting ways to change behaviours and attitudes in order to overcome, reduce or eliminate it.
National research, reports and a comparative report to describe and analyze the harmful practice of early marriages and early motherhood and its consequences in four countries (Greece, Ireland, Portugal & Romania), to compare it at the transnational level, to verify the need for intervention and change
Training courses to train Roma women & girls in each country to become influencers on the concern of early marriages and early motherhood
Roma Influencers Network (national & transnational) to engage the Roma community and specially Roma women & girls in active participation breaking the harmful practice.
Awareness-raising campaigns to Roma settlements to create awareness of the Roma community and adapt positive attitude towards democratic values, fundamental rights, children and women’s rights into Roma culture.
National & transnational workshops, documentary films (national & transnational) & Roma Influencers festivals to increase awareness of women’s institutions, local and regional authorities, national & European institutions, NGOs, civil society, policy decision makers, mass media & broader community on the thematic of early marriages and early motherhood.
Good practices guide (national & transnational) & policy recommendations (national & transnational) to create awareness of decision-making centers representatives.
Awareness of the Roma community and the wider community about the causes and harmful consequences of early marriages and early motherhood.
Active involvement of the Roma community in the field of prevention of early marriages and early motherhood.
Empowerment of Roma women and girls for their active participation in education, employment and society.
Promotion of alternative ways of shaping the individual’s future and to promote different lifestyles in the Roma community.
Change in knowledge and attitudes towards democratic values, fundamental rights, children and women’s rights.
Cooperation between the Roma community and representatives of decision-making centers.
Cross-transfer of knowledge & approaches to bring positive and long-lasting effects on the participating organizations and persons directly or indirectly involved.
GREECE: Coordinator: Klimaka-Roma Day Center
PORTUGAL: Cesis and Cooperactiva
ROMANIA: Sastipen